20 nov 2008

Unit 4: Writing an Essay

Finally , we arrive at the ending of our summer course. In this unit you will need to write an essay about your experience and expectations. We need your feedback to improve in our future courses. feel yourself free to write whatever you want, we always appreciate honesty. Thank you very much. We hope this course will be useful in your life.

Unit 3 : Cover Letter & CV

After one week of enjoyment doing your intense sport or hobby course, you will need to apply for a job. Then, you should write a cover letter for a company and your CV. _Writing.hhttp://jobsearch.about.com/od/coverletterwriting/Cover_Lettertm

Unit 2: Searching for Vocabulary

In this unit you will have to learn all the vocabulary related to your hobby or sport. Therefore, you will need to create a list of 10 concepts at least. After this you will have to build sentences using this new words. If you need help have a look at http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen

17 nov 2008

Unit 1: Informal Letter

In this unit you will learn how to write a letter to your family telling them where you are living at the moment, the description of the city, what you like and dislike about Brighton, and the most important thing the description of the sport that you have chosen previously and in which things you think you are good and bad.


12 nov 2008

Would you like to know a new approach of English Learning?

Hello every one!
First of all, You should watch this video to get closer to this wonderful city.
Enjoy it!!

A day in Brighton (video)

After this video, did you ask yourself how it will be to move out to Brighton and Learn English not attending any lessons just practicing the hobbies and sports that you really love.